UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Response of a pile restrained floating breakwater Manuel, Brenda


Experimental work has been performed to assess the behaviour of a caisson-type floating breakwater restrained by adjacent vertical piles. A series of two-dimensional simulations were executed evaluating the effectiveness of the breakwater as it was subjected to various incident wave trains. The transmission coefficient was of primary interest, although the reflection coefficient, energy dissipation coefficient, and heave response amplitude operator were also evaluated from the experimental results. Two numerical models were used to estimate the reflection coefficient from the experimental data; the two-probe method and the least squares method. Numerical analysis was executed using the Hydrodynamic Analysis of a Floating Breakwater software (HAFB), which is a model based on linear wave diffraction theory to predict wave loads and motions of a floating breakwater in oblique seas. This model was used to numerically predict the transmission and reflection coefficients and the heave response amplitude operator. The results of the numerical model show reasonable agreement with the experimental results.

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