UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Seconded teachers as teacher educators Badali, Salvador John


This is a study of seconded teachers' experiences as university instructors and faculty advisors in the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia. Data were gathered for this study through interviews with 17 seconded teachers (5 first-year seconded teachers, 8 continuing seconded teachers, and 4 teachers who reentered the school system after secondment). The purpose of my study was to understand more clearly the experiences of seconded teachers in the teacher education program through the use of Glaser and Strauss's (1967) grounded theory approach. The results indicated that the seconded teachers in this study moved through stages: seeking the position, preparing for secondment, expressing self doubts and loneliness, adjusting to the tempo and workload, working with adult learners, and looking for support. As university instructors, seconded teachers bring realism to the teacher education program by presenting fundamentals of teaching, by modeling teaching strategies, by connecting theory and practice, and by sharing narratives. Seconded teachers acknowledge with reservations that as evaluators they possess power over student teachers. Regardless of how they might prefer to conceive of their role, in the end, they become evaluators. Seconded teachers displayed various communication styles. Reflection, an aspect of communication, was also identified as important. The themes that have emerged in this study point to 5 general central issues: the contrast between university and school cultures, the strength of reflection on practice, seconded teachers' commitment to classroom teaching, seconded teachers' professional identities, and secondment as professional development. The results of this study suggest that the temporary, short-term nature of secondment, as it now stands, may be a lateral career move rather than a vertical progression. Comments suggest that the Faculty of Education could do a better job of educating seconded teachers about, not only the preservice teacher education program, but specifically the expectations and roles for the seconded participants.

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