UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

High-frequency transformer model for switching transient studies Chimklai, Suthep


The objective of this thesis is to develop a simplified high-frequency model for three-phase, two- and three-winding transformers. The model is an extension of the classical 60 Hz model which includes two important factors prevailing in transformers under transient conditions: stray capacitances which cause transformers to resonate and frequency dependent characteristics of the leakage flux and winding resistances due to skin effects. The model is not aimed to represent internal details of the transformer and only lumped circuit parameters are used in order to simulate terminal behaviours of the transformer. However, it is different from other terminal models in that it is not just an impedance or admittance black box derived from measured transfer functions. Only the meaningful parameters which correspond to the physical components in the real transformer are included in the model. The short-circuit impedances T-form of the classical model is retained which makes it possible to separate the frequency-dependent series branch form the constantvalued capacitances. In addition, it enables the model to be built at the coil level which is independent of winding connections. The model stray capacitances are placed at the corresponding coils terminals. If they link two coils they will be split into two halves with one half connected at the upper ends and the other half at the lower ends. The frequency dependent series branch is divided into sections corresponding to various sections in the transformer coil which can be assumed uniform. An RL equivalent network is used to synthesise the frequency dependent behaviour of each section. The values of R's and L's are calculated from minimum-phase-shift approximations which guarantees numerical stability of the resulting network. With the use of symmetrical components, mathematical complications of fitting mutual impedance functions are avoided and also the number of impedance functions to be fitted by rational functions is reduced. A number of short-circuit tests on the actual power transformers installed in the Thailand 's power system were performed to determine the parameters of the model. The frequency responses calculated from the model are compared with the tests. Also, a timedomain test was conducted and the result was used for comparison with the simulation from the model.

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