British Columbia Mine Reclamation Symposium

Issues in determining mine reclamation release criteria for British Columbia Horton, P. R.; Freberg, Mark


Collaborative discussions were initiated in 2001 through an 'ad hoc' British Columbia (BC) government/industry working committee to establish mine reclamation release criteria for determining revegetation success for BC mines. Several reclamation release criteria issues were determined to be pre- or co-requisites to determination of revegetation success. These included recognition of the complexity of this goal, given the environmental diversity of BC mine sites and their range of end land use designations and land productivities. A key issue needing resolution was whether ecological end points and/or ecological processes can be used for criteria in determining mine land revegetation success. Given the environmental complexity, a 'tool box' of different mine reclamation release criteria requires development that is consistent with regulatory requirements, and ecological science.

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