UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

A bolometric technique for broadband measurement of surface resistance and application to single crystal YBa2Cu306.99 Turner, Patrick J.


A bolometric technique has been developed to measure the frequency dependence of the surface resistance, R[sub s], of high temperature superconductor single crystals near IK over the range 0.1 to 20 GHz. This experiment measures the shape of the conductivity spectrum, while also having the sensitivity to measure the residual loss in the low temperature limit. Preliminary measurements on detwinned ultrahigh purity single crystals of YBa₂Cu₃O₆.₉₅ reveal that the real part of the conductivity σ₁(ω) is reasonably well fit by a Drude model over the majority of the frequency range. Variations between measurements have been observed which raise questions about the stability and contamination of YBCO crystal surfaces. Given that the conductivity spectrum has a width of about 7 GHz, it is natural to expect that the mechanism involved will settle into a low T limit when T is below 7GHz = 0.35K (=7 GHzxh/k[sub B]). Work towards performing the experiment at 0.1K is in progress.

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