UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Characteristics ascribed to mentors by their proteges Darwin, Ann


The benefit of mentoring as a strategy to improve workplace learning has been proclaimed in business and educational research literature for the past two decades. This study focused on the characteristics ascribed by proteges to their workplace mentors. This topic has received little serious attention despite the proliferation of research on mentoring. Data were collected from 1,771 Canadians, most of whom were from Vancouver, British Columbia. Initially, 1,011 people encountered in public places, such as markets and shopping centres, completed a pen-and-paper questionnaire in which they were asked to write three words to describe their mentors. One hundred of these words were put into a second questionnaire. This was administered to 760 people in various work settings and training venues. Data were factor analyzed resulting in eight factors: Authenticity, Volatility, Nurturance, Approachability, Competence, Inspiration, Conscientiousness and Hard Working. Standardized scale scores were then calculated from the factors and used to test for differences among various socio-demographic variables. Finally, individual, faceto- face interviews were conducted with 16 proteges in order to explore how these key mentoring characteristics manifested themselves in day-to-day work settings. Irrespective of age, gender or status within their organizations, two-thirds of the respondents reported having mentors. Mentors were most often older than their proteges and more than half reported that their mentors were also their bosses. Three-fifths of these mentors were men. Statistical tests of differences on various socio-demographic variables and the Dimensions Of Mentoring Inventory (DOMI) highlighted differences between the perceptions of women and men proteges about their mentors. Women proteges attributed higher Nurturance scores to mentors than did men, whereas men attributed higher Competence scores to mentors than did women. Most proteges were in single-gender relationships, however the 178 (one-fifth) of respondents in cross-gender relationships showed no differences in characteristics from single-gender relationships. Proteges in management positions attributed higher Competence scores to mentors than those in nonmanagement positions. Mentoring relationships with bosses were reportedly of longer duration, with more bosses aware of their mentoring role than non bosses. Mentor/protege conflict was infrequent, but when it occurred, the mentors were characterized as Volatile and Hard Working. Interviews with 16 proteges yielded vignettes of their mentors as they recounted memorable incidents. Five themes were uluminated through interviews with proteges. The mentors' belief in their protege's capabilities; a desire on the part of proteges to be mentored; timing of the relationship; reciprocity; and affinity. This was a study of mentor characteristics as seen from proteges' points of view. Further studies utilizing confirmatory factor analysis are needed to verify the factor structure of mentor characteristics and to test alternative models. Further investigation into characteristics of mentors, particularly those in the dual role of mentor and boss, and differences in perceptions between women and men are advisable.

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