Year in review: A look back at cIRcle news and events that happened in 2014
It`s the perfect time of year to sit back and enjoy some of cIRcle`s top news stories featured by the UBC Library, a leading institution in North America ranked 14th by the Association of Research Libraries (ARL). Along the way, we hope you will be inspired to find ways to disseminate your scholarly research in 2015.
February 17, 2014 – cIRcle ‘takes home gold’ in the latest Webometrics repository rankings being ranked as the number 1 repository in Canada:
March 4, 2014 – A closed Library staff only celebration event was held in the Dodson Room of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre and showcased the brief history of cIRcle along with a mosaic of communities and collections (such as the UBC Japanese Canadian students of 1942; Peter Ward datasets; UBC Press; 2010 Olympics; Vancouver Institute Lectures; Fisheries Centre; the 2011 Tailings and Mine Waste conference). Served with slices of cake, the event highlighted and acknowledged the successful implementation of the 2011 cIRcle planning retreat strategies to date as well as a take away message for participants, What could be my future role regarding cIRcle?
March 14, 2014 – “Intellectual Muscle – The Talks” project sponsored by VANOC, UBC Continuing Studies and The Globe and Mail finds ‘a permanent home’ in cIRcle and represents ‘not only a valuable Olympic, but truly Canadian resource’:
March 28, 2014 – Screens in Vancouver: Cinemagoing and the City in 1914 case study funded by SSHRC captures Vancouver`s 1914 history of cinemagoing and compares it with Winnipeg-Seattle and with Toronto-Montreal:
April 7, 2014 – Rheumatology Newsletters’ collection features the “outreach pediatric services offered via traveling clinics throughout BC“ and with two such clinics founded by UBC graduates of the pediatric rheumatology training program – Dr. K. Gross in Penticton and Dr. R. Bolaria in Victoria:
July 17, 2014 – The GSS cIRcle Open Scholar Award “is an excellent representation of both UBC and its graduate students’ dedication to showcasing our unique intellectual output.” – Christopher Roach, GSS President (2013-14):
August 15, 2014 – Free, Open Access EBooks at UBC and Beyond gives a list of open access ebooks and other resources like Project Gutenberg for instance:
October 31, 2014 – Catch a glimpse into why Open UBC 2014 was our most successful Open UBC event ever. Missed it? Watch the webcasts and more in the Library Events collection at:
November 5, 2014 – Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery (BIRS) project finds a robust and long-term digital preservation service via cIRcle and UBC Library. It is one of the world’s most prominent mathematical science research institutions. Discover BIRS at:
Learn more about cIRcle, UBC’s Digital Repository at:
Above image is courtesy of UBC Library