Coming soon: UBC’s annual Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition
In just three minutes, current graduate students explain the “breadth and significance of their research project to a non-specialist audience”, according to 3MT organizers. In fact, did you know that UBC was one of the first universities in North America to host a 3MT competition? This annual competition starts off with heats from all over […]
Latest GSS cIRcle Open Scholar Award winners
Meet Saule Chikeyeva and Catherine Haney – the latest winners of the 2014 GSS cIRcle Open Scholar Award! Saule Chikeyeva comes from the UBC Department of Educational Studies and won this Award for the work, “Policy Analysis of the Per Capita Funding of Public Schools in Kazakhstan” at: Chikeyeva sets out “to better understand […]
cIRcle in the headlines: December 2014 edition
Year in review: A look back at cIRcle news and events that happened in 2014 It`s the perfect time of year to sit back and enjoy some of cIRcle`s top news stories featured by the UBC Library, a leading institution in North America ranked 14th by the Association of Research Libraries (ARL). Along the way, […]
NEW: Planat in Action – Special Olympics Canada 2014 report in cIRcle
It is our pleasure to announce that the Planat in Action: Accessibility Assessment of UBC Competition and Accommodation Venues for the Special Olympics Canada 2014 Summer Games report is available in cIRcle, UBC’s Digital Repository! Serving as the host venue from July 8-12, 2014, UBC’s Vancouver campus proudly welcomed 1,300 athletes with intellectual disabilities for […]
Guest post: Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery
Guest post by Eugene Barsky, Research Data Librarian, Library Administration The Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery (BIRS) and The University of British Columbia’s (UBC) Library are pleased to announce their collaboration on a project to preserve, archive and diffuse the lecture videos from BIRS’ weekly workshops at UBC Library’s digital repository, […]