Photo: Susan Parker Don Liebig / UCLA Photography
In the News: UBC and Abroad
UBC appoints new University Librarian – Susan E. Parker
“Being named University Librarian at UBC is an honour, and the highlight of my career,” says Susan Parker. “I look forward to partnering with UBC’s excellent library staff, students, and faculty as we continue to develop and deliver outstanding services, scholarly resource collections, and welcoming library facilities for the UBC community.”
Read the full announcement here
Compute Canada & CARL-Portage – Beta Testing of FRDR
Check out the new research management tool by The Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR). ‘A joint initiative led by the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) and Compute Canada provid[ing] Canadian researchers a place to deposit large data sets and to improve the discovery of Canadian research data’.
Visit the FRDR beta testing site
OA journals & Canadian universities
Canadian Universities Support Publication in and the Launching of Open Access Journals
“As Open Access journals gain in recognition across scholarly communities, Canadian universities voice increasingly vocal support for Open Access journals…”
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New Research Data Centre opens at UNBC
Why are the graduate students and approved researchers smiling? It definitely has something to do with the new University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) Research Data Centre.
Learn more about UNBC’s Research Data Centre
Increase the Impact
Beyond the Beyond: Can we Increase the Impact and Reach of Scholarly Research?
From stakeholders to voters, many folks are in need of greater access and transparency when it comes to research and research outcomes. As noted by Vicky Williams, “with increasing funder mandates for research to demonstrate broader impact – on society, policy, the economy, or the environment – research has to reach a broader audience.”
Continue reading here
OA in the Humanities
Why Is Open Access Moving So Slowly In The Humanities? By Peter Suber
While OA has made strides over the years via open access repositories (in physics) and open access journals (in biomedicine), Peter Suber provides some insight on the “nine differences between the humanities and the sciences”.
Read the first and second of his blog posts from the new series on “Open Access in the Humanities” by Blog of the APA (The American Philosophical Association)
Upcoming OA/OE Conferences
OpenCon 2017 in Berlin, Germany
OpenCon affords a unique opportunity for “students and early career academic professionals from across the world” to learn about Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data” as well as to “develop critical skills, and catalyze action toward a more open system for sharing the world’s information—from scholarly and scientific research, to educational materials, to digital research data”.
OE Global 2018 in Delft, the Netherlands
The Open Education (OE) Global Conference is an “internationally diverse [one] devoted exclusively to open education, attracting researchers, practitioners, policy makers, educators and students from more than 35 countries to discuss and explore how Open Education advances educational practices around the world”.
New BCcampus Annual Review
BCcampus 2016/17 Annual Review
Highlights of faculty and instructor partnerships and projects on the future of post-secondary learning and teaching in British Columbia
Read the review here