Photo courtesy: Pixabay
Every February, people across Canada celebrate Black History Month by participating in events and activities that honour the legacy of Black people and their communities in Canada. This month, cIRcle is shining a spotlight on the Consortium of Nursing History Inquiry’s growing collection of Black History month event recordings.
The Consortium for Nursing History Inquiry & cIRcle
The Consortium began in 2012 as an initiative from the UBC School of Nursing as “a resource for students, faculty, and members of the School’s wider community to explore and examine nursing and health care’s past. It links with other groups and stakeholders interested in nursing and health history, develops resources and organizes an annual symposium, lectures and activities.” cIRcle has partnered with the Consortium since 2014, providing permanent open access to its reports and presentations which are now part of the History of Nursing in Pacific Canada collection in collaboration with UBC Library’s Digitization Centre.
The Consortium’s Black History Month Events
In 2021, the Consortium of Nursing History Inquiry held an online nursing history panel in recognition of Black History Month titled, Black (in)Visibility : Black Nurses in Canada Who Paved the Way. The event “recognize[d] the significant contributions of Black nurses to health care in British Columbia and Canada,” and its recording in cIRcle has amassed more than 4,000 views and downloads. The 2022 event, Celebrating the contributions of Black nurses to healthcare, included a physical display, a virtual “walk through” of the display and an online flipbook. Last year’s event, Historical Considerations on Nursing Education Across Canada, explored a range of topics about the history of Black women in the nursing profession including the entry of Black students to UBC Nursing and UNB School of Nursing, and racism in nursing education and practice in Canada.
Read the Consortium’s Black History Month 2023: Histories in Focus blog post for a selection of extensive histories compiled by a team of 21 undergraduate students and Dr. Lydia Wytenbroek to highlight through daily social media posts the histories and experiences of Black nurses and to showcase books and research by Black scholars.
Looking for more?
Explore more than 80,000 research articles, reports, theses and dissertations, seminar recordings and more in cIRcle via Open Collections, UBC Library’s multi-repository search portal.