Celebrate Learning Week 2010 @ UBC with cIRcle!

Celebrate Learning is a week-long initiative held each autumn. The event seeks to honour and celebrate teaching and learning across UBC Vancouver, and to highlight and promote student learning and development opportunities.

Some Celebrate Learning Week trivia… Did you know?

“Curious about how to get started with cIRcle? Meghan Radomske, Master of Library and Information Studies Candidate and cIRcle Student Librarian, will discuss UBC’s digital repository, cIRcle, and the benefits it offers students in particular. cIRcle welcomes high quality scholarly contributions from both graduate and undergraduate students—enabling them to showcase their work and establish their academic online identities. If you are a student interested in submitting non-thesis work to cIRcle, join us on Friday, October 29th to discuss the opportunities cIRcle provides you!”

For more information about these and other Celebrate Learning Week 2010 events, check out the complete 2010 Celebrate Learning Schedule. Don’t miss out on learning something new and exciting during this special week — no doubt you’ll be glad you did!

Top image is courtesy of Flickr: UBC Library Graphics Photostream.  Bottom image and some of the above excerpt text is courtesy of Celebrate Learning Week 2010 website – http://celebratelearning.ubc.ca/.


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