UBC Professor, Director, and Senior Scientist is honoured

Dr. Michael Hayden has received the Canada Gairdner Wightman Award, the premier honour for leadership in medical science in Canada.

Hayden, a professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia and director and senior scientist at the Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics at the Child & Family Research Institute, was selected for his leadership in medical genetics, entrepreneurship and humanitarianism.

To read the rest of this UBC Media Release, click here.

Did You Know?

Dr. Michael Hayden and graduate student, Jeff Carroll, were featured in Frontier:  a journal of research and discovery, issue 4, June 2008. “There’s a sense of urgency around us. What we learn from HD is likely to have a direct relevance to other diseases of a similar nature like Alzheimer’s,” Hayden says. “We believe that what we’re learning here will have a broad relevance. This is not esoteric research.” Read the article here in cIRcle.

Above excerpt in italics and image courtesy of UBC Public Affairs.

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