It is a pleasure to announce that the Think Tank 3 Summary Report just arrived in cIRcle, UBC’s Digital Repository! According to cIRcle statistics, it has been accessed and/or downloaded by the following “Top Country Views”: Canada, United States, Belgium, Australia, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom so far.
The report covers five core themes: operationalizing sustainability; enhancing human well-being; green venues/buildings; measurement and certification; and, business case of sustainability.
Its purpose is to “[e]nhance our understanding of how Universities, sport and community organizations can leverage sport and sustainability; [b]lend academic and practitioner views to explore innovative solutions, effect change, and create a return on investment; and, [b]ring together individuals from universities, community and sport organizations, primarily from Canada and the Pacific Northwest.”
Read the full report via cIRcle at:
Did You Know?
In case you missed it, Professor John Robinson, Associate Provost of UBC Sustainability, presented strategies on sport and sustainability at the Think Tank 3: Program event. This event, hosted by the UBC Centre of Sport and Sustainability on 26-27 September 2013, can be viewed and/or downloaded in cIRcle at: