Hooray! It’s that time of year again when we take the time to reflect on some exciting activities, projects, and collaborations which happened with cIRcle in 2016!
First of all, a big “Thank you” to the UBC faculty, staff, graduates, undergraduates, alumni, and community partners who, either for the first time or on an ongoing basis, made their scholarly research and output openly accessible via cIRcle, UBC’s Digital Repository! Since there are way too many of you to list individually, just a few of these collaborations could be highlighted in our cIRcle Impact & Activity Report, 2015-2016 while others will be featured in 2017.
Without further ado, grab a comfortable chair and your favourite hot beverage so you can thoroughly enjoy reading cIRcle’s notable milestones and highlights of 2016 below.
Year in Review – A look back at cIRcle in 2016:
- cIRcle was pleased to receive new 2015/16 papers and presentations from the British Columbia Mine Reclamation Symposia as well as the Investigating Our Practices and Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU) conferences
- In collaboration with UBC Library’s Technical Services (TS), a project on systemic metadata enhancement got underway with the goal of improving item retrieval, browsing, and faceting. Kudos to UBC’s iSchool students who were at the helm of the work with guidance from the cIRcle Office and TS.
- Added the following UBC faculty and community partner reports, conference papers along with graduate and undergraduate research output to cIRcle:
- Community Service-Learning in Canadian Higher Education
- BC Municipal Water Survey 2016
- The landscape of rare cancer : a sea of opportunity
- Policing women : clubswomen, policewomen, and delinquent girls in Vancouver, 1910-1930
- Drought preparedness in B.C. : workshop summary
- “Dulling the edges” : young men’s use of alcohol to deal with grief following the death of a male friend
- Pilot study of a peer-led wheelchair training program to improve self-efficacy using a manual wheelchair : A randomized controlled trial
- Walking in the Neighbourhood : Performing Social Citizenship in Dementia
- Biking Infrastructure and Human Behaviour : The impact of adding 2700 km of bikeways in Metro Vancouver
- Solidarity : A Plan to Restore the Chiquito River and Reclaim Public Space in Morelia, Mexico
- Research Data Management (RDM) Needs of Science and Engineering Researchers : A View from Canada
- Using Digital Game-Based Learning to Engage Science Students : The Case of Minecraft
- The first undergraduate, peer- and faculty-reviewed sociology publication in North America aptly named, Sojourners, was welcomed in cIRcle! View/Download its Volumes 1 (2009) to 8 (2016)
- With new items added daily, cIRcle has over 57,000 full-text, openly accessible items for you to explore!
Curious about our cIRcle Impact & Activity Report 2016? It describes the engagement of UBC researchers, students, and community partners with cIRcle, and illustrates the dissemination of their scholarly work. Click here to read our 2013 report. Read our “cIRcle in the headlines: December edition” updates from 2013, 2014, and 2015.
Want to make your UBC research openly accessible? Visit cIRcle
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