This year, two acclaimed UBC researchers are among a select few distinguished recipients who are being honoured for their lifetime achievements. Congratulations to both of them!
“[My] research focusses on pictorial representation and perception;
the aesthetic and epistemic value of pictures, including scientific images;
theories of art and its value; the ontology of art; computer art and new art forms;
and aesthetic value, wherever it may be found.”
– Dr. Dominic McIver Lopes, Humanities, University of British Columbia
One of the six Killam Research Fellow recipients is Dr. Dominic McIver Lopes, a UBC scholar and professor, who is “one of the foremost contemporary philosophers of art” whose “work focuses on the nature and significance of art and the aesthetic”. While he previously was a Guggenheim Fellow, a fellow of the National Humanities Center as well as a Leverhulme Visiting Research Professor at the University of Warwick, he also held other visiting positions in Florida, Japan, Italy, and France. He has also won two other teaching awards, the Philosophical Quarterly Essay Prize and the American Society for Aesthetics Outstanding Monograph Prize.
Learn more about Dr. Lopes here
“If anything helped me to move forward in my career,
it was the curiosity to look behind every open door.”
– Dr. Julio Montaner, Health Sciences, University of British Columbia
Among the five scholars receiving the Killam Prize this year is Dr. Julio Montaner, a UBC physician, scientist, and advocate, who provides leadership in the international HIV/AIDS research community. He was inducted into the Royal Society of Canada-The Academies of Arts, Humanities and Sciences (RSC) and the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame in 2015 and has received many awards and recognition during his lifelong career including these notable ones: the Canadian Institutes of Health’s Knowledge Translation Award, Prix Galien Award, Albert Einstein World of Science Award, and The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for contributions to the field of HIV/AIDS, to name just a few.
Find research by Dr. Montaner here
About The Killam Program:
- Generously funded by Mrs. Dorothy J. Killam in memory of her husband, Izaak Walton Killam, the Killam awards make up part of the Killam Trusts
- Established in 1967, the Killam Research Fellowships were created and, in 1981, the Killam Prizes were inaugurated
- The Killam trusts “fund scholarship and research at four Canadian universities, a neurological research and clinical institute and the Canada Council”
- Approximate value of the Killam Trusts is $425 million with a Canada Council portion of $55 million
About the Killam Prizes:
- Recognizing outstanding Canadian scholars and scientists in industry, government agencies or universities for their pioneer work in the advancement of research
- Five annual prizes of $100,000 are awarded (1 prize each in the fields of humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, health sciences, and engineering)
Learn about UBC Killam Awards and Fellowships here
Explore more UBC research awards here
Above image is courtesy of Killam Trusts