Photo courtesy of UBC Media Relations
Indigenous Students in STEM at UBC
Explore one of cIRcle’s recently added items, How Do I Get Started? : Creating Safer Learning Environments for Indigenous Students in STEM at UBC. This resource, aimed at instructors in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), provides strategies for getting started with incorporating “Indigenous ways of knowing, being, and doing into […] curriculum and practices as a means to create safer learning environments for Indigenous students.”
Deposited with support from UBC Library’s Scholarly Communications and Copyright Office, this Open Educational Resource (OER) includes best practices, reflection prompts, definitions, and resource lists.
Visit Open UBC for more information on support and funding for creating OER.
Have you created an OER and want to deposit it in cIRcle? Our Submissions guide will get you started.
Further Reading
Indigenous in STEM: How a UBC program is planting the next generation of Indigenous scientists, The Ubyssey, May 2024.
UBC Indigenous Portal. A referral resource for Indigenous students, staff, faculty, and the broader university community.
Explore Open Educational Resources in cIRcle