Expanding UBC Graduate Research from here and beyond
Image: cIRcle Graduate Non-Thesis Research Submission Workflow Overview The GSS (Graduate Student Society) cIRcle Open Scholar Award was a lottery based award held twice a year for graduate students at UBC Vancouver which went live on July 9, 2012. Graduate students were eligible to submit exemplary non-thesis manuscripts or projects related to graduate coursework […]
U15 Statement on Sustainable Publishing is released
There is excitement among researchers both nationally and internationally on the recent U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities’ statement. Why? It focuses on sustainable publishing. As a collaborative body of Canada’s leading research-intensive universities, the U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities’ works to “foster the development and delivery of long-term, sustainable higher education […]
Open Access, Open Data, Open Education and more – June 2017 News Round-Up
Photo: Susan Parker Don Liebig / UCLA Photography In the News: UBC and Abroad UBC appoints new University Librarian – Susan E. Parker “Being named University Librarian at UBC is an honour, and the highlight of my career,” says Susan Parker. “I look forward to partnering with UBC’s excellent library staff, students, and […]
Two UBC scholars garner prestigious Killam awards in Health Sciences and Humanities
This year, two acclaimed UBC researchers are among a select few distinguished recipients who are being honoured for their lifetime achievements. Congratulations to both of them! “[My] research focusses on pictorial representation and perception; the aesthetic and epistemic value of pictures, including scientific images; theories of art and its value; the ontology […]