Sowing SEEDS in cIRcle

cIRcle is home to a collection of student reports from the UBC SEEDS (Social, Ecological, Economic, Development Studies) Program. SEEDS enables students, staff, and faculty to collaborate on research projects that address campus sustainability issues including water quality, transportation, and waste management.

The SEEDS Collection in cIRcle ( is home to over 150 student projects and is constantly growing, most recently through the addition of projects from the 2009-2010 school-year.

The top 3 items accessed in this collection as of late September, 2010 are:

1)      “2006 Greenhouse Gas Inventory Faculty-Specific Preliminary Analysis” with 640 views

2)      “Achieving economic and social sustainability in the inner city : the role of business improvements districts” with 550

3)      “2003 UBC Food System Collaborative Project: Summary Findings” with nearly 500 views

To learn more about the SEEDS program and the exciting collaborative research projects occurring on campus, visit their website:

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