Searching for a tool that can help you and/or your UBC research colleagues identify which journals are really open access?
Check out the “Open Access Spectrum (OAS) Evaluation Tool” from SPARC at:
Learn how this OAS tool helps in the following ways:
Provides critical information to authors, libraries, research funders, government agencies, and other interested parties.
Includes distinct evaluations for a journal’s policies regarding reader rights, reuse rights, copyrights, author posting rights, automatic posting, and machine readability.
Can be used to help determine compliance with funder policies, institutional mandates, and researchers’ individual values.
Offers a unique opportunity for publishers to independently validate their journals’ degree of openness and compliance with funder/campus policies.
Pulls together—in one single, accurate web resource—information that is otherwise buried across scores of publisher websites.
Read the original SPARC announcement at:
SPARC consists of “200+ members… primarily academic and research libraries located in the U.S. and Canada, who use the resources and support provided by SPARC to actively promote Open Access to scholarly articles, the open sharing of research data, and the creation and adoption of Open Educational Resources on their campuses”.
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