Greenest City Action Team Scholars Program
Visit cIRcle at: to see SCARP Graduating Projects . UBC supports Vancouver’s greenest city plan with grants for students to work on green projects One of the first initiatives is the creation of the Greenest City Action Team Scholars program, which will see UBC provide grants for 10 graduate students to help implement the […]
UBC Theses and Dissertations online
There are over 2,600 Theses and Dissertations from 2008 to date and over 18,600 Theses and Dissertations before 2008 in cIRcle.
New in cIRcle: Pacific Affairs book reviews
Pacific Affairs: An International Review of Asia and the Pacific Browse the Journal’s electronic book reviews at: Visit the Pacific Affairs home page at:
6th International Conference on Gas Hydrates
cIRcle has over 200 conference papers from the 6th International Conference on Gas Hydrates. Browse through this collection at:
Excelling in global rankings
Find out ‘Who’s contributing to cIRcle?’ at: UBC, cIRcle excel in global rankings For more information on the university and IR rankings, please see and The University of British Columbia and its institutional repository both feature prominently in a pair of global rankings. UBC is the top-ranked Canadian university – and 35th […]