Photo courtesy: Pixabay
Is it that time already? What happened to last week? Last month? This past year? Where does the time go nowadays?
Time is a precious commodity. Many folks are in the throes of planning, organizing and setting goals for 2018 or wrapping up as many activities and projects as possible before the end of 2017.
After achieving a particular goal though, it is hard for one to deny that good feeling of accomplishment. For some, it may even warrant some kind of reward – either big or small.
Speaking of time and accomplishment, cIRcle is excited to share some indelible highlights of UBC scholarly research materials archived during 2017. It’s now time to take a well-deserved break!
Year in Review – A look back at cIRcle in 2017:
UBC President’s Speeches and Writings
cIRcle was thrilled to archive the first round of UBC President Ono’s speeches and writings in 2017. Just in case you missed it, you can read the Library announcement here.
Future speeches and writings are set to arrive on a quarterly basis starting in 2018.
UBC Faculty Research and Publications
Two video presentations (courtesy of the UBC Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies) were recently added to the growing collection of 3,600 plus items:
Being a man today
Water: The life of a community
Missed our “In the Spotlight: UBC Faculty Research Collection” blog post? Read it here
UBC Community, Partners, and Alumni Publications
For ethnomusicologists and anyone curious about music and its social activity, watch “An Audience of One: The Private Music of the Chinese Literati”
In 1926, the blind singer, Dou Wun, arrived in Hong Kong from Guangzhou at the age of sixteen. Watch “Hong Kong’s Folk Music and Local Culture: The Art of a Cantonese Blind Singer”
Read a book chapter by Shirley Lew entitled, Creating a path to feminist leadership
Learn about the Asia Pacific Dispute Resolution (APDR) Project and view/download the first batch of items
Step back in time again to explore “Spectacular Opera Across Borders: Cantonese Opera Theaters in North America During the 1920s”
Read a memoir entitled, “Labor of Love: A Memoir of Gertrude Richards Ladner 1879 to 1976”, about early BC nursing practice, the science of nursing as well as attire and living conditions.
UBC Lectures, Seminars, and Symposia
Starting in 2017, the “Grand Rounds” from the UBC School of Population and Public Health monthly seminar series arrived in cIRcle with more of them coming in 2018:
Can I borrow a microbiome?: Life-saving poop and the ethics of microbiome therapies
Is there a need for medically-prescribed heroin in the addiction treatment system?
More than just numbers: hearing from the real experts in the opioid crisis
Tackling Poverty and Socioeconomic Inequities
The first and second of the Ziegler lecture series from the UBC Department of Central, Eastern and Northern European Studies’ (courtesy of St. John’s College) also arrived in 2017.
How can you add your faculty research and more to cIRcle? Find out here
Since the next Science Literacy Week is a while away, you can listen to the 2017 round of Frequencies podcasts (courtesy of the UBC Okanagan Library) that was part of this year’s Science Literary Week. This particular series is one that “explores the connections between science and society: the implications of scientific research on our culture, how scientists communicate their ideas, and how our society responds”.
This collection has 674 items so far which includes datasets, interactive resources, moving images, sound, still images and text files.
Browse the newest additions received in 2017
The Banff International Research Station (BIRS)
A joint Canada-US-Mexico initiative that seeks to bring together people from a wide range of mathematical, scientific and industry backgrounds and to create a forum for the exchange of knowledge and methods between these specialists. The BIRS Workshop Lecture Videos are primary research data in the disciplines of mathematics, statistics and theoretical computer science.
With over 5,260 items to date, the Top Country Views & Downloads were from China, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Republic of Korea, Italy, Russia, Japan, and Germany.
View the wide selection of previous and current videos and upcoming ones happening in 2018.
Vancouver Institute Lectures (VILs)
Established in 1916, the Vancouver Institute (VI) sponsors lectures of general public interest. It started recording the lectures in the form of audio and video tapes back in 1975 and were preserved with help by University Archives. Take a walk down memory lane to learn about the history of the Vancouver Institute via Eric Damer’s 1995 MA thesis entitled, Town and gown: the early history of the Vancouver Institute.
Watch recently added VILs here
This cIRcle collection showcases and preserves exemplary UBC graduate student research. All graduate student submissions have been reviewed and approved by a course instructor or research adviser. Browse the entire collection
What types of graduate research work can be added to cIRcle? Find out here
This cIRcle collection aims to showcase and preserve UBC’s exemplary undergraduate research across all disciplines. All undergraduate student submissions have been reviewed and approved by a course instructor or research adviser. Explore this expanding collection
Who can add exemplary undergraduate work to cIRcle? Learn more