NEW: Sojourners, an undergraduate journal of sociology arrives in cIRcle
For seven years, the journal has showcased exemplary papers written by students with a sociological perspective. Contributing to the journal affords students an invaluable opportunity to have their work published early in their academic careers. – A Message from the Sojourners’ Co-editors in Chief After a year in the making, it is a pleasure […]
In The Spotlight: GEOG 419 & GEOG 429
Geographers study the natural and social processes that form our environments and interpret the changing interrelationships between environment and society. Geography courses examine the role of the natural environment in limiting and creating opportunities for people, and the role of society in reshaping the Earth habitat. The study of the natural environment itself, and […]
New policy statement on open access to scholarship by academic librarians
Scholarship by academic librarians advances the fields of library and information science, influences practices of aligned professions, and informs effective advocacy. In support of broad and timely dissemination of library and information science scholarship, the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) encourages academic librarians to publish in open access journals. When academic librarians […]
UBC Copyright Summer Workshops for July 2016
The Scholarly Communications and Copyright Office will be holding a series of Copyright Education workshops over the summer. Workshops will focus on author and creator rights; copyright in the classroom; copyright in the digital environment; copyright and conference presentations; and scholarly publishing, funding mandates, and open access. These workshops will be of particular interest to graduate students, […]
New Tri-Agency Statement of Principles on Digital Data Management
Open data (scrabble) (Photo credit: justgrimes under this Creative Commons License) High-quality data management is fundamental to research excellence. The ability to store, access, reuse and build upon digital data is critical to the advancement of research, supports innovative solutions to economic and social challenges, and holds tremendous potential for improvements in quality of […]