New Tri-Agency Statement of Principles on Digital Data Management
Open data (scrabble) (Photo credit: justgrimes under this Creative Commons License) High-quality data management is fundamental to research excellence. The ability to store, access, reuse and build upon digital data is critical to the advancement of research, supports innovative solutions to economic and social challenges, and holds tremendous potential for improvements in quality of […]
Meet UBC’s 15th President – Dr. Santa Ono
A Vancouver-born biomedical researcher who is a pioneer in experimental medicine with an established track record as a senior leader at U.S. universities has become the 15th President and Vice Chancellor of the University of British Columbia, the university announced today at the Peter A. Allard School […]
151 open textbooks (and counting): The B.C. Open Textbook Project celebrates milestone
Since 2012, the B.C. Open Textbook Project by BCcampus has created over 150 open textbooks “for the top 40 highest-enrolled subject areas in the province”. Its goal is “to make higher education more accessible by reducing student cost through the use of openly licensed textbooks”. To date, this BCcampus project has racked up some impressive […]
International Open Access Week: October 24-30, 2016
“As Open Access becomes a more and more familiar concept, we must focus on the small steps everyone can take to make openness in research a reality.” — Heather Joseph, Executive Director of SPARC® (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) Recently, [i]n conjunction with this year’s Open Access Week Advisory Committee, SPARC […]
Coming soon: Copyright Education Series’ Workshops – Summer 2016
“The University of British Columbia and its faculty, staff and students are creators of various forms of intellectual property, as well as consumers of intellectual property. As creators, we rely on the protections offered by intellectual property laws to ensure that our work product is protected from improper use. As consumers of intellectual property, […]