Now available in cIRcle: A degree of justice video
In 1942, some 21,000 Japanese Canadians were uprooted and exiled from the West Coast and were sent to internment camps. Amongst those sent away were 76 UBC students. These students were unable to complete their university studies or missed their graduation. In November 2011, the UBC Senate approved three measures to recognize what happened to […]
Top GSS cIRcle Open Scholar Award FAQ
Q: What is the GSS cIRcle Open Scholar Award? A: The GSS (Graduate Student Society) cIRcle Open Scholar Award is a lottery based award for graduate students at UBC Vancouver. The award ‘aims are to feature UBC as a leader in the open dissemination of exemplary non-thesis graduate coursework; and to create an incentive for […]
Innovative Dissemination of Research Award deadline reminder
Phew! You still have time to send in your applications for the UBC Library Innovative Dissemination Research Award. The application deadline is Monday, November 26, 2012 by 5pm. The Innovative Dissemination Research Award winner will be formally recognized at the annual Celebrate Research Week gala held in March. The award includes a $2,000 cash prize […]
Highlights of Open UBC – Open Access Week 2012
It’s hard to believe that Open UBC 2012 is over! This year marked the first time Open UBC was celebrated in conjunction with UBC’s Celebrate Learning Week. In its tradition, Open UBC did not disappoint. Here are some memorable quotes from Open UBC 2012 and a few highlights of International Open Access Week 2012: Open […]
A university library for the 21st century
Have you read the recent article by Lorraine Chan and Linda Ong, entitled “A university library for the 21st century”? The featured article was an interview with University Librarian Ingrid Parent and can be found in the November 1 issue of UBC Reports at: “Academic libraries worldwide are facing rapid technological change and seismic […]