Curious about increasing your research impact
As part of the UBC Graduate & Undergraduate Student Workshop Series‘ events offered by UBC Library, the next cIRcle workshop is happening today at 3-4:30pm in Scarfe 155 (Neville Scarfe Building). Would you like to have your academic work searched by Google Scholar or have your work archived in the UBC Library? Then come to […]
Just arrived in cIRcle: BC NLI report
BC Nursing Leadership Institute: program evaluation report in cIRcle! Background: The first BC NLI pilot was conducted in March 2005 with 25 first-line nurse leaders. Successful evaluation outcomes resulted in 13 additional sessions between March 2006 and March 2010: three sessions annually with an average of 35-40 first-line nurse leaders in attendance. Based upon the […]
UBC Dentistry Research Day – Jan 25, 2011
UBC Dentistry Research Day 2011 is on Tuesday, January 25th! This day highlight[s] the research being done by several members of UBC’s ELDERS (Elders Link with Dental Education, Research and Service) Group, a multidisciplinary team which draws on expertise from many faculties. The Faculty of Dentistry is honoured to include presentations on this pressing concern […]
Highlights of Open Access Week 2010 @ UBC and beyond
Webcasts of UBC presentations are available in cIRcle: 1. “The “Funding Agency Panel: Opening up Access” recorded webcast is available online at: 2. The “Developing the Cycling Route Planner” ( (an interactive trip bike route planner) by 2010 UBC Library Innovative Dissemination of Research Award recipient, Dr. Michael Brauer, was created because: 1) “the […]
New to cIRcle: 10th Canadian Summer School on QI
The 10th Canadian Summer School on Quantum Information on Quantum Algorithms, Computational Models, and Foundations of Quantum Mechanics was held at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, July 17-30, 2010. (see Quantum Information Science is a rapidly developing interdisciplinary field of information science and quantum mechanics. The field explores questions of fundamental importance to […]