Part I of II – NEW: TRIUMF, Canada`s sole laboratory for particle and nuclear physics in cIRcle
A step into TRIUMF’s main control room, where skilled operators control over 2,000 devices and monitor over 5,000 parameters. The control room monitors virtually all aspects of the cyclotron and the main injection beamline, including radiation levels. (Photo credit: Katy Mackenzie under this Creative Commons License) In Part I of this two-part blog post, […]
In The Spotlight: BIRS, Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery
The Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery (BIRS) 1 is “a joint Canada-US-Mexico initiative that seeks to bring together people from a wide range of mathematical, scientific and industry backgrounds and to create a forum for the exchange of knowledge and methods between these specialists”. The future home of the newest BIRS-affiliated […]
Just how “open” is open
Searching for a tool that can help you and/or your UBC research colleagues identify which journals are really open access? Check out the “Open Access Spectrum (OAS) Evaluation Tool” from SPARC at: Learn how this OAS tool helps in the following ways: Provides critical information to authors, libraries, research funders, […]
In the Spotlight: Screens in Vancouver: Cinemagoing and the City in 1914
The goal of this Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) funded project (grant number 430-2011-006) was to ‘advance the grant holders’ knowledge of the character of film exhibition in the early part of the 20th century in Vancouver, with a specific focus on 1914 as a case study’. According to Dr. Brian McIlroy at […]
SPARC-Social Sciences and Humanities at UBC – Spring 2016
Are you part of a UBC academic unit or research network? Want to learn about grant research funding opportunities in your area? Need to deposit, share/disseminate and preserve your grant-funded research output at UBC? SPARC is pleased to share its upcoming Spring 2016 events and activities with UBC affiliated research institutes, centres and other organizations […]